Hey All
Here is my latest free music download offering. Again, a work in progress. For those who don’t know, it’s a mono version of a song called, Giving Up (For Freedom). The acoustic version was released last week. Next week I’ll post the full dual mono version. Enjoy!
Also, there are some links being posted to live footage from my last band gig at The Islington. Check them out! **UPDATE The Half Moon, Putney show – originally scheduled for June will now take place Feb 4th **- I’ll be playing some of the new songs and best of the old. Will be great to see some of you there.
Now, back to job at hand…. I’m driving myself to Birmingham for the last Who show on this leg tomorrow at the arena.
Sorry, no longer available for stream or download.
Previous downloads here:
Giving Up (For Freedom):
Version 1: Giving Up (For Freedom)-acoustic
End Of The Road:
Version 1: End of The Road (acoustic)
Version 2: End of The Road (mono robot)
Version 3: End of The Road (dual mono)
Version 1: Magnet (acoustic mix)
Version 2: Magnet (mono robot)
Version 3: Magnet (dual mono)
Tweaked Mix: Magnet (Dual Robot)