Portland Show Pulled After Sound Check But San Fran Rocks On!

In Simon's Blog by Simon Townshend

We made the decision to pull the Alberta Rose Theatre show in Portland on Thursday after I did my sound check. I wasn’t able to get any joy from my voice due to a chest infection. I don’t remember ever pulling a show for health reasons or otherwise and I apologise to the fans that showed up at the venue with great expectations. I promise I will be back as soon as possible and will make it up to you. I began writing this blog post while en route to the Hotel Utah in San Francisco, I took a few different concoctions which seemed to work and I felt well enough to go ahead with the show which was a resounding success, surprising considering how congested I felt during the day. It’s a drag getting a bug like this amidst a tour – hopefully I’m over the worst of it.

There is some cool film of Ed and I at The Triple Door, Seattle shot on Wednesday which will be on my website / YouTube very soon. Also, there are some fantastic reviews of the show. Here is one in particular I like, although I don’t get the ‘sparce crowd’ bit when we had 170 attending:


Off to LA in the morning for a show at McCabes, Santa Monica. Hope to see some of you there.